Catherine Weiss-Celley's “ERRLUS:” a Sci-Fi Masterpiece

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 1:13am UTC

In the making since the mid-80's, “ERRLUS” by Catherine Weiss-Celley is a well-written Sci-Fi book that depicts a highly futuristic story. Full of meaning and depth, it touches on an underlying social issue that continues to be widespread among youths around the world— suicide.

The author, Catherine, has been an excellent writer throughout her career. She worked as a draftsman and technical writer for twelve years, and is a former assistant for a local poet's group. Finishing “ERRLUS” took her quite some time, but here it is, finally available to the public. What truly fueled Catherine's imagination in building the world of Errlus was a poem written by her good friend, and having read the high suicide rates in Japan and in different places including the United States. She incorporated that sad and alarming reality to a story where illness and money were no longer a problem, but suicide among young people were.

Errlus fits in the narrative by being the catalyst for change. In the book, he is the villain/hero/time-pirate; a desperate, powerful man who seems to have lived in many different times. As the story progresses, readers will encounter what is called, NR3. It is the third death chamber of its kind where a person could disappear in a flash of smoldering circuits, so much like being erased on the face of the earth. While other children who signed up for the chamber have no plans on turning back, other candidates ends up in the hands of Errlus whose planning to use them in ways they could never imagine.

What could he be orchestrating? And what might be the reason behind his motivation and desperation to do it?

Book is Available at

ERRLUS: The Time Pirate by Catherine Weiss Celley
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: January 2023
Pages: 173
Genre: Fiction
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-63892-498-2
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-63892-499-9

About the Author
Catherine Weiss-Celley is an artist and writer who has edited since 2002 while working as a freelance technical writer and draftsman on: centerline light configurations for airfields; pipe layout for water companies; signage for capital buildings; HVAC Control drawings and architectural and civil drawings. In 2010, after completing a book she started in 1980, she signed on with Author house to publish 172 pages of a manuscript that still is being continued. ERRLUS, a time pirate, utilizes the hopelessness of young people in a crowded world to create a world that catapults generations of people over years of apocalyptic occurrences that turn one world into a small sun. With the help of his young wife, he inspires extraterrestrial civilizations and instills a lust for life into the suicidal. This book touches on their reasons and offers insight into the motivations of powerful, desperate people driven by circumstances that seem orchestrated by an elaborate program spanning thousands of years.

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